Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Jetta's 1 today....

Yep, today is Jetta's first birthday and it has been a big day for her. Despite the fact that we aren't actually celebrating it until Sunday, she still got alot of presents. Grandma Peters woke up bearning gifts and alot of them. She brought tons of stuff, books, clothes, a dolly that says her bedtime prayers, a silver spoon/fork, first tooth, first curl set and her first savings bond. There were other gifts, but those are the ones that are coming to mind right now. Needless to say, she got a haul.

Then we went and met a friend for lunch and she came with gifts. She brought Jetta several new toys. A little laugh and learn tea set and then also a laugh and learn purse set. Both are very cute and will be great toys for Jetta to play with and to learn from. Needless to say she's already getting spoiled.

She also got her walker from Grandma and Grandpa Vaughn, which has been serving us well. It allows mommy to do a few things without having to hold the baby.

We also got several phone calls from Grandma Alexander, Uncle Matt and Grandpa Vaughn. We also got several texts from friends wishing her well. So, all in all, for her first birthday and it not even being the true celebration, she faired pretty well.

She also got her first haircut today...more like a trim, but her bangs were in her eyes, so went and visited mommy's hairstylist and she trimmed it up. It is very adorable. She was pretty good, all things considered. She did squirm a bit, but Alyscia worked quickly and was able to shape it up. Our next haircut will probably be a little more substantial, but this was just to trim it up and get her all pretty for her 1 year pictures, which we hope to do next week some time.

Well, it's about bath/bed time, so I best go for now. We will post pictures after the celebration on Sunday and hopefully we'll have some good ones to share.

Thanks to everyone for making today a special day and wishing Jetta "birthday" wishes.


Shannon and Boyd Bringolf said...

Happy Birthday to Jetta!!!!!

Jennifer said...

Happy Happy being 1! Enjoyed following your trip in China.
Jen Schmidt and Anna