Saturday, July 11, 2009

Grandma Alexander visits....

Shannon's mom came to visit us this past week. She came in on Tuesday and left on Friday. It was great to see her, as it has been quite some time since we last saw her. Jetta and her became fast friends and really seemed to enjoy each others company. Of course, just like her other grandma, she came bearing gifts and enjoyed spoiling Jetta just a bit more. It was Grandma's birthday on Tuesday when she arrived, so after we went to Little Gym, we took her to dinner and gave her her present. We gave her a collage picture of Jetta from her first photo shoot and a necklace that we brought home from China. She loved them and we were glad she was able to be here to share her birthday with us. Unfortunately the whole trip wasn't as pleasant....Jetta broke grandma in and broke her in she did. On Thursday we went to Jetta's 15 month doctors visit and on the way Jetta decided to share her already digested milk with us. Not fun....this was the first time she has thrown up since we got her. However, grandma was great, she ripped off her seatbelt and pulled her head forward, once I got to a place where I could stop, I got out of the car, went around, pulled her out and got a wiff....whew not pleasant. I took Jetta around the back of the car, opened it up and stripped her down, so all the passerbys got a glimsp of my half naked baby. Meanwhile, grandma grabbed the wipes and went to work on cleaning up the carseat and the back of the car. Once we got things cleaned up the best we could and got Jetta calmed down, I called the doctor and said we were gonna be late. I had to head to Target to buy a new outfit for Jetta and some air freshner. Yep, that's right, I had to go buy clothes, as I only had the small diaper bag with me and didn't have a change of clothes with me. However, I do now, along with a pack of back-up wipes, air freshner and towels. Once we got that all done we headed back to the doctor for her check-up. I'll write a separate post with those details. We had planned to go sightseeing that day, but figured it was best to just stay home. On Friday, we had to take grandma back to the airport and tell her goodbye. It was a great visit and we enjoyed our time.


Anonymous said...

She is the most beautiful angel in the world. She's also very smart for her age, but that's our Jetta Bug! love her dearly, nai-nai alexander