Sunday, November 8, 2009

The dogs love Jetta...

Yep, that's right, the dogs love Jetta....for a variety of reasons, one, she loves to launch her food off of the high chair and needless to say, they are right there to help her clean up. Saves me time, but not sure hot dogs, and chicken nuggets are the best for them. The second reason, and the reason for this post, she is a big helper. She loves to follow us to the garage when we go to get the dogs food. So, one day, not to long ago, I asked her if she wanted to help me and take the dogs food bowl over to their dish and as always she responded "yeah". So, reluctantly I handed her the bowl and watched her carry it across the kitchen and put it in their dish. To my surprise, not one piece hit the floor. So, now each time we go to get the dogs their food, she has to help. This is a short video of her helping and shows just how big she is getting. She has always been a great helper, but I just love watching her carry the bowl across the kitchen so carefully and the dogs just anxiously waiting for her to put it down. I hope you enjoy it.....


Penny said...

She is just to precious and how great she is willing to help so much. She is sure watching she doesn't spill and does a great job. Love it when we get to see her progress and how big she is getting. Soon she will be running from chores. LOL

The Humbles said...

What a big girl! Bing loves to give treats, maybe she is ready for the bowl!!! I love how she clapped and then spun around! Too cute!!! I can't believe how long her hair is and that our babies are 20 months!!